
Check out the FAQ below or RankedVote Guides first. If you still have a question, reach out.

How do I use RankedVote?


Every feature is explained in the RankedVote Guides section. The Guides give you step-by-step instructions for how to get the most out of RankedVote. Here are a few of the most popular:

How do I manage my billing subscription (upgrade, cancel, etc.)?


You can update your payment information, change plans, switch from monthly to annual billing, and cancel your subscription from the Billing page (found in the dropdown menu that pops out when you click the account icon).

Whenever you make any plan changes, make sure to click through all the "Continue" and "Confirm" steps to ensure your changes take hold.

If you are cancelling, click the "Cancel RankedVote Subscription" text link just below your subscription info. This will take you directly to the cancel step. Once you cancel, your subscription will remain active until the end of the billing cycle and you will receive no further charges.

How does ranked choice voting work?


Ranked choice voting is the method used by RankedVote to determine which choice has the most support amongst your voters. Whenever your voters are making a decision that has more than two options, ranked choice voting gives you a much more meaningful and nuanced insight than a single-choice, "most votes wins" approach.

Check out this interactive in-depth guide to see how the ranked ballots and calculations work.

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